Stakeholders Value

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Clara ever strives to create long term value for its stakeholders through our business practices, and consider each and every stakeholder an imperative part of our journey to be an Industrial Packaging behemoth. We understand the value of each stakeholder in the value chain, and endeavor to establish a long term relationship with them.

Stakeholder can be categorize in two groups:

  1.  Internal, and
  2.  External

Internal Stakeholders includes;

  •    Employees,
  •  Shareholders,
  •  Managers, and
  •  Board of Directors.

While external stakeholders includes;

  • Customers,
  • Suppliers,
  • Governments,
  • Institutions,
  • Communities

Different stakeholders have different needs, and Clara understand how to strike a balance among the needs of different stakeholders. Clara think that following things are utmost important to meet the needs of stakeholder;
1. Behavior,
2. Communication, and
3. Performance

Clara maintains a healthy relationship with its stakeholders through care for employees, and their families, timely payments, customer satisfaction, and providing complete information as and when required etc. Clara believes in building an inclusive environment wherein people can freely express themselves, which provides a useful input in our endeavor to be an INR 5 billion behemoth in the year to come. Proper communication is the foundation of a healthy environment, where employee are able to communicate what they feel, and think including their grievances, which people at Clara eagerly want to listen carefully. We believe that the effective two-way communication is a pre-requisite to build a long term relationship with stakeholders. Happy, and satisfied stakeholders working in sync with each other translates into a better performance on turnover, profit and other front, which eventually enhances the quality of life of our stakeholders.